Tuesday 27 October 2009

Moulded by experience - still the same old Soph.

Surges of unknown love leap through my body...
A spring in my step. My features melt- close to a smile for the first time in months.
My weathered hands reach out to grab moments of my childhood back.
Do you ever know what you have until you have lost it?

Moments I thought I could never re live drift back. Snow coating my heart melts to form a puddle on the ground. I hear laughter. Its me.

Like a butterfly in a cocoon I thought I had shed my childhood skin. I thought I had spread my wings and flown away. The current of the wind blew me back home.

Still the young child at heart, painted with a fresh coat of experience. I never truly lost it. I just had to dig deeper to find it.

My wings stronger. Ready to fly in the wind. Still I need a kiss to make the scratches heal. Each moment captured like a snapshot in my mind. No pictures can be frozen. No time can be reversed.

Never to old to leave my childhood. Never to old to completely shed my skin. Maturity has time to let me laugh back moments I had tried to lock away. No room in my life to deny myself. No time to deny the moments that shape you. Laughter,smiles and honesty fall back into my outreached hands. Close around them and never let them go again.


Sibel said...

Wow, this poem, gave me hope, and let me know that the years passes, we are pushed to grow wise and be reasonable with age. No longer given ourselves permission to be, to feel the moment. Burdened with lives demands we bury our childhood, our innocence and replace it with maturity and non nonsense. But like your poem says it so well; "I never truly lost it. I Just had to dig deeper to find it."

Jason said...

I like your site, it's an interesting read. I have a site myself that provides inspiration and guidance to people around the world. I was wondering if you wanted to exchange links. Check out my site when you get a chance and let me know.


I have nothing to declare but my genius said...

Hi, finding this is the highlight of my evening, maybe my day. Your words are beautiful.