Sunday 4 April 2010

I've had enough

Hey you!

Yes I mean you!

Its too late to run kid, i've already seen you.

Oh really?

Yeah if you say so.

You were here last week too weren't you?

Don't lie I saw you.

damn kids hanging around here, don't think I don't know what your up to.

well go ahead chucking your stuff all over. I'm so sick of this. First the water spilling when I dip the mop, then all this packaging from sweets lying around...

oh and the dust collecting

and my back aches.

Its so unfair I have to do this. That ass who didn't want to take me as an assistant...If I could just...

but no I need the money.

One day i'll show you all i'm better than a caretaker.


Ridens, The Everlaughing said...

nice to read something after so long :D

It's a little different from most of your other poems I think... is this inspired by your own life? I thought maybe you're sick of school and expressed it like this ;)

Soph and Nanda said...

I've had a lot of other things going on lately. Thank you :) I was aiming for something a little different. And no, not sick of it yet, still going back for more :D

Anonymous said...

It is a bit different then your other works. But the concept is decent enough to work with a bit.

Soph and Nanda said...

Thank you Gav :) I felt like trying something different and although it uses few devices I think it captured what I was trying to say. Thank you for taking the time to comment.

coolingstar9 said...

Life is awesome. We have to enjoy it every moment.
Good or bad, we still have to live peacefully.
Let's smile more.

Soph and Nanda said...

Thank you for your comment :) I completely agree that we should try to make the most of life. After all we only live it once. Nice threads btw

Bernadine said...

This is very blunt, but nicely written. Everyone that is sick of doing there job day in and day out and hating it will be able to relate well to this.

And like Ridens, The Everlaughing said it's nice to see you post again. :)

Sorry for the late comment on this one. :)

Soph and Nanda said...

Thank you Bernadine :) Thats what I was trying to capture. I think we need to appreciate the work these people do alot more.